【質問】 M777って何?

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陸海空の兵器bot @heiki_bot

M777 155mm榴弾砲(英) イギリスで開発され、米軍が採用した最新型の牽引式榴弾砲。本砲の重量は3175kgと非常に軽量で、前任のM198の重量7154kgの約44.4%と半分以下であり、中型汎用ヘリによる輸送が可能となった。 pic.twitter.com/rClgGZGtaX

2022-10-06 02:13:21
imgurの人/とほほ電池@充電中 @chageimgur

M777榴弾砲の最大の能力は軽さ故に空輸容易で、高速で移動できることだけど、ウクライナだと貴重なヘリを使うより自走させたほうがってことになりそだしなぁ。 アフガンとかインド北部みたいな山脈地帯で山から山へと移動するなら重要な能力だけど…… pic.twitter.com/losDdSJ77J

2022-05-14 09:52:22
Okuyama, Masashi ┃奥山真司 @masatheman

「トリプルセブン」の愛称で知られるM777 155mm榴弾砲だが、アメリカの海兵隊はこの火砲をえらく気に入っているのだとか。理由はいわゆる「ハイローミックス」が絶妙で、まるで昔の二槽式の洗濯機のようで扱いやすいとか。某国の99式は全自動洗濯機と同じで一度壊れると修理から数年帰ってこないことも

2021-11-18 20:43:28
Tetsuo Kotani/小谷哲男 @tetsuo_kotani

なお米国は超軽量のM777榴弾砲とこれを空輸できるMi17ヘリを合わせて供与。これで通常の榴弾砲ではあり得ない攻撃が可能。この組み合わせを最初に試したのは印陸軍。ソ連製Mi17はアフガンに供与していたが、米国でメンテ中にカブールが陥落、ウ軍に供与可能に。 cnn.co.jp/world/35187481… @cnn_co_jp

2022-05-14 19:43:11


Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus. Now: Film, Documentaries Ex: Comando Truppe Alpine

Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

I was asked how the M777 works. A thread 🧵: The M777 is a towed 155 mm howitzer with a gun crew of 8 soldiers or 10 marines. 1/n pic.twitter.com/YiqMDWCyN8

2022-05-17 07:27:07
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

There is a whole lot of battery and Battery Fire Direction Center (FDC) stuff that I will skip to focus on the operation of one M777. When a fire mission is received a battery's M777 guns move to their firing positions. 2/n pic.twitter.com/mwv8XyF4Rg

2022-05-17 07:27:08
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Upon arrival half of a M777's crew emplaces the gun. Which means shovelling holes for the gun's spurs, raising the barrel, etc. The less the gun moves after firing the faster the crew can fire the next projectile, so the spurs are buried deep in the earth. 3/n pic.twitter.com/2Fq65kz3eV

2022-05-17 07:27:11
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Meanwhile the rest of crew prepares the projectiles. Projectiles are transported with a lifting plug instead of a fuze. A crew only prepares the projectiles for the current fire mission. Nothing worse than having to remove a fuze when you want to escape counter battery fire. 4/n pic.twitter.com/NyzOrU1xdX

2022-05-17 07:27:14
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Next step: unscrew the lifting plug and screw in the fuze. There are a lot of fuzes: point detonating (super quick, delay) time (time, variable time), proximity, etc. In this photo M739 fuzes (point detonating) are used. 5/n pic.twitter.com/6Z18qaK8jL

2022-05-17 07:27:16
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

With the projectiles ready it is time to unload the charges. The charges propel the projectiles out of the barrel and towards the enemy. The M777 uses the Modular Artillery Charge System (MACS), which comes in two colors: green and white. 6/n pic.twitter.com/dVBttcVyys

2022-05-17 07:27:18
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

M231 (Green): 1 or 2 charges for distances between 3-13 km M232A1 (White): 3, 4, or 5 charges for distances between 7-24 km (standard projectiles) 8-30 km (base bleed projectiles) MACS is also compatible with the PzH 2000 and FH70, both of which Ukraine is receiving too. 7/n pic.twitter.com/uF5uDr0A1V

2022-05-17 07:27:20
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

What is still missing are the primers. Here we have an enthusiastic Australian Army loader with 4x M232A1 charges and 7x M82 primers in his vest. The M82 is a cartridge that when struck will ignite the charges. No primer = no fire. 8/n pic.twitter.com/6aPtErJj3p

2022-05-17 07:27:22
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Inserting each primer on its own would slow the gun crew down, so the primers are loaded into a magazine that sits at the back of the breech. In the photo we see an unloaded magazine (with a blue stripe) 9/n pic.twitter.com/SQnVvMQX3Q

2022-05-17 07:27:24
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

The M777 is in place, the projectiles are ready, the charges are laid out, the primers are loaded, time to sight the gun. First mount the optical sights, then adjust elevation and deflection to ensure the projectile hits we're it is intended to hit. 10/n pic.twitter.com/PTFMSz7Tj8

2022-05-17 07:27:26
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

If you're using a proximity or time fuze then the projectile will detonate above ground, but only if you set the correct time or height. Older fuzes were set by hand; modern fuzes by the PIAFS fuze setter (here used with M762 Electronic Time fuzes) 11/n pic.twitter.com/ricrlTmVuR

2022-05-17 07:27:28
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Time to make some noise! First throw the projectile onto the loading tray, which which will be lowered and align the projectile with the barrel. Now ram the projectile into the barrel until it is stuck, so it doesn't slide back and so that there is room for the charges. 12/n pic.twitter.com/WNm4tCCZkF

2022-05-17 07:27:30
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Time to load the charges. Yell what charges you load and show the charges to the rest of the gun crew, because if you use too many or too few, the projectile will fall short or overshoot. If all is correct, then push the charges into the barrel. 13/n pic.twitter.com/28urWtF6ny

2022-05-17 07:27:33
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

If you load more than one charge - use the loading tray. If you load four or five charges - use a charge sleeve, place that on the loading tray, then push the charges in. Don't forget to toss the charge sleeve theatrically away. 14/n pic.twitter.com/eMxlaigvky

2022-05-17 07:27:36
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

The loading tray is pushed back up and the charge loader closes the breech. Only he (!) is allowed to touch the breech mechanism, because when he loads the charges he sticks his hand into the barrel and if at that moment the breech comes down his hand is gone. 15/n

2022-05-17 07:27:37
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

Almost there. Once more the Gunner and Assistant Gunner check the gun's elevation and deflection, correct them if necessary, then report to the Gun Section Chief that everything is ready. The charge loader is then ordered to push a lever to load a M82 primer. 16/n pic.twitter.com/KrirAAUmec

2022-05-17 07:27:39
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

And the soldier operating the loading tray will now hook up the lanyard. Pulling the lanyard will strike the primer, which will ignite the charges, which will propel the projectile out of the gun. 17/n pic.twitter.com/WQqQ1UqeZj

2022-05-17 07:27:41
Thomas C. Theiner @noclador

And showtime! Well trained US Army and Marine gun crews can fire one round every 12-14 seconds. (Also: have a look at this gun's Gunner, who is already checking his sights for the next fire mission.) 18/n pic.twitter.com/dky9JdF73c

2022-05-17 07:27:43
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